Bhí sé sách painless próiseas.
Mogens Holst
Tá mé thar na blianta a úsáid éagsúla r-phost, cláir – Outlook Express, Thunderbird, Bat agus Barka. Bhí sé éasca a immigrate ó OE a Thunderbird agus arís eile a TheBat go raibh b ' fhéidir an chuid is mó cumhachtach iad go léir. Ar an drochuair, tá sé i gcoinne HTML-formáidiú mar sin bhog mé ar a Barca go bhfuil i go leor bealaí a bhí oiriúnach le haghaidh mo na críche sin le heisceacht amháin, bhí sé in ann, faoi choinníollacha áirithe i gcóir chun mo náisiúnta tacar carachtar (Coróin) i gceart. The development of Barca/Poco has now stopped so I have as a last resortturned to Outlook (2010) and I wanted to import my messages from TheBat and Barca and close those chapters. Outlook Import Wizard seemed to be the only solution. It was relatively painless to import from TheBat, probably a result of the design philosophy of the developers, but Barca required using the Mbox converter. I imported more than 50,000 messages and all were correct (!).