Najpametnejši, najbolj učinkovite rešitve za uvoz, Izvažanje in izterjavo vseh vaših podatkov Outlook mail.

Delovalo je bolje kot sem pričakoval.


Sem našel Outlook Čarovnik za uvoz ker Microsoft padla žogo, ko se odstrani Windows Mail iz Windows 7. Oni niso graditi pretvornik v nov operacijski sistem, in pozabil, da ne vsakdo rushed ven za nakup najnovejše Microsoft Office ali Microsoft Outlook, da gredo skupaj z nov operacijski sistem. Imam urad 2003 in ta različica Outlooka ne ve, kako uvoziti EML datotek. I ran the Upgrade Advisor and followed all precautions. It seems like this should have been flagged asThings to do before upgradingThere were no helpful workarounds in the forums, other than to export files to Outlook format from Windows Mail. This would only be helpful advice before the upgrade, since Windows 7 removes Windows Mail during the installation. I was lucky to find your software while searching for a solution to my problem. I downloaded the demo and tried it on a few files. It worked better than I expected so I purchased the license and converted all of my email. I also appreciated the reasonable price.